Summer Orientation Program, (SOP), 2025
The MAB Summer Orientation Program (SOP) is a one-of-a-kind opportunity in the state for adults who have recently lost or are losing their sight to get concentrated training in independent living skills. Our program is held each summer – this year we will be at the Ursuline Center in Great Falls, where we rent facilities for participants and staff to live and take classes. The program will run from June 16-July 11. The MAB pays for the costs of room, board, and tuition for participants.
The Path to Independence
When vision loss occurs, it becomes necessary to learn other ways of doing everyday tasks.
Skills Taught:
*Safe travel in-home and community
*Use of adaptive equipment for home and work
*Alternative methods of writing including Braille and writing guides
*Computer programs for the blind and visually impaired
*Methods of marking appliances and equipment
*Use of assistive technology
*Adaptive recreation
*Essential Apps for the Blind
In addition:
*Support networks are formed
*Community resources are shared
Watch Our Videos!
The videos were filmed at the 2019 Summer Orientation Program in Helena. It is difficult to truly convey the work we do, please watch these news videos to see more about the program. The last 2 videos were filmed by KTVH in 2019 and 2018 highlighting Programs Helping Blind Montanans Learn Daily Tasks.
We have three required classes for students, then students may choose from a variety of elective classes.
A certified mobility specialist will work with you on cane travel, covering all areas. Instruction will be in buildings with elevators and stairs, on streets - both business and residential, and in areas where the participant is having trouble navigating. Participants will also be instructed in safety techniques to lessen the chance of injury when moving. Lessons will be tailored to the individual's needs regarding the utilization of residual vision.
This class is designed to address a wide range of everyday tasks. Participants will learn alternative ways to work on money management, budgeting, cleaning, laundry, house organization, time management, personal grooming, cooking, eating, and many other activities. Participants are asked to bring problems they are having with any activity during their daily routine to this class. Handwriting skills will be covered, and an advanced class is available for 2nd year participants.
Participants gather in groups of 3 or more to discuss, with a facilitator, any problems that they encounter in adjusting to the loss of sight. This class will encourage participants to advocate for themselves, tackle problems on their own, and work on coping with the changes happening in their lives. This class can also be described as a peer-help class. First-time participants must take this class and repeat participants are utilized to bring their own experiences to help encourage the new participants.
Participants taking the Work Skills class will automatically be enrolled in the computer & technology classes. This class will provide such soft skills as job search, interviewing, rights under ADA, and more. It is designed to help the participant gain employment.
This is a class in instruction in functional Braille, including the basics of writing and reading. Braille is useful in marking/labeling items for identification, communicating, and reading. Many activities can be made easier with some level of Braille comprehension.
This class will introduce participants to a computer screen reader, and screen magnification, and illustrate how a computer might be useful in the daily routine of the participant. This class will help participants understand computers, but it is not designed to make participants completely literate on computers. Instructions are given on both Windows/Microsoft and Apple systems. The participant must know how to type and use a standard typing keyboard.
As typing on a standard keyboard is vital to using computers, this class will aid the participant in learning to type. Depending on their skill, they may be moved to the Computer class if that is appropriate and desired by the participant.
This class will give instructions to participants on how to use their own smartphones or tablets using either an Apple or Android operating system. Participants must bring their phones or tablets.
This class is designed to help participants with "low vision" use adaptive equipment to fully utilize whatever vision they may currently have. Equipment is available to use during the program and sources are provided if participants wish to purchase such items to use at home. Some of the equipment is larger and more technical, and at other times the most helpful item may be a simple writing guide or a magnifier that is fit for the vision loss of the participant.
This class is not designed to teach participants how to cook, but rather how to cook safely and efficiently. Participants can learn to cook in this class but the emphasis is given to safety in the kitchen. Different adaptive techniques and skills will be taught as well as easy and nutritious recipes. If you have a favorite recipe, bring it so we can learn how to make it and share it with others. This class is a 2-hour class.
Class is designed to exercise the mind as well as the body. This is a moderate exercise program, where participants do not need to do any activity that they do not feel comfortable doing. Some light stretching and exercise are incorporated into relaxation therapy and stress management. This class will teach participants some exercises that can be done at home without endangering oneself. It is a lot of fun and participants are encouraged to take this class to overcome the tension of the program and the sitting in classes all day long. This class is during the first period of the day only.
This class is similar to crafts, encouraging participants to use fingers and limbs as well as take one's mind off of problems. It also introduces participants to adaptive equipment that may be useful in activities and hobbies. Participants make items that are theirs to keep at the end of the program.
Participants are instructed in the use of woodworking tools such as power saws and lathes. Projects are completed such as bookends and other useful items. This class is limited due to the space and amount of equipment. This class is held off-campus and is a 2-hour class.
Crafts class, similar to sewing and woodworking, will help participants learn new crafts or modify the ways that they did crafts before their sight loss so they are again able to enjoy their hobby. Completed projects are kept by the participant.
Get Involved:
The Summer Orientation Program is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. It receives funding through fundraisers done by the Montana Association for the Blind and Montana Shares. You may make contributions or sponsor a participant by contacting the MAB office at (406) 442-9411
SOP Information
For more information about the Summer Orientation Program or to request an application, please contact:
MAB Secretary:
(406) 442-9411SOP Director, Jocelyn at:
(505) 818-8721SOP Student Applications
Open the 2025 Student Application - part 1 Form
* If this form is not accessible: Click Here
Open the 2025 Student Application - part 2 Form
* If this form is not accessible: Click Here
Open the 2025 Student Application - part 3 Form
* If this form is not accessible: Click Here
Other SOP Applications:
Open the MAB Request SOP Application Form 2025
* If this form is not accessible: Click Here
Open the 2025 SOP Staff Application Form
* If this form is not accessible: Click Here
Would you like to Volunteer?
If you want to be a volunteer, please contact us at: (406) 442-9411.
You can also Open and Fill out the Volunteer form but you must contact us before you can volunteer. All volunteers must be screened and approved before they can participate.