Memorial Loan Program/Elder Blind Loan Programs

The Montana Association for the Blind has two no-interest loan programs for MAB members who are visually impaired and seeking funds for equipment or education.

* The Memorial Loan Program is for applicants under the age of 55.
* The Elder Blind Lease/Loan Program is for applicants over the age of 55.

In all other regards, the programs are identical. Both are loan programs where legally blind MAB members can reasonably purchase adaptive equipment or pay for education that will help them maintain their independence through employment or in their home through no interest loans.

Eligible equipment includes CCTVs, computers or software with speech capability, or any other adaptive equipment, new or used, for use by the blind.

Open the MAB Loan Application Fillable Form

Different strengths of magnifiers, CCTVs in background

The maximum loan amount is $2,500 per individual. If the request is for equipment that costs more than the maximum loan amount, the excess must be paid up front by the applicant. The maximum time for the loan repayment is 3 (three) years. After deciding what equipment is desired, a full application including a vendor's certification (for equipment purchase), requested terms of repayment, and all personal information required.

This information is to be sent to:
MAB Loan Committee
1302 24th St. W.
PMB 134
Billings, MT 59102

If you have any questions please contact the main office: (406) 442-9411

MAB Loan Committee:

Todd Fahlstrom, Chair
Ken McCulloch
Shannon Payne
Jocelyn DeHaas
Rhonda Cochrane

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Would you like to Volunteer?

If you want to be a volunteer, please contact us at: (406) 442-9411.

You can also Open and Fill out the Volunteer form but you must contact us before you can volunteer. All volunteers must be screened and approved before they can participate.

Open the Volunteer Form