The Montana Association for the Blind is a resource for blind and low vision Montanans

Vision and Mission

The mission of the Montana Association for the Blind is to promote the economic and social self-sufficiency of blind Montanans through the facilitation of quality education, learning, training, and employment services and opportunities, and to foster a positive understanding of blindness.

Our vision is of a Montana in which blindness is perceived and understood to be an ordinary and respectable part of life and in which the skills and tools of blindness are readily available to all who may benefit from them. We envision an environment in which blind Montanans have ample and equal opportunities to achieve and contribute in our homes, communities and nation.

The Montana Association for the Blind is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. All contributions are tax deductible.

Meet our Board of Directors and Staff:
President: Doug Robinson, Billings
First Vice President: Lisa Chamberlain, Missoula
Second Vice President: Tina Wright, Billings
Third Vice President: *Pending
District 1 Representative: Kyle Eleden, Great Falls
District 2 Representative: Rusty Cochran, Helena
District 3 Representative: Kristi Eagle Horse, Great Falls
District 4 Representative: Eileen Guthrie, Bozeman
District 5 Representative: Debra Jackson, Billings
District 6 Representative: Linda Lay, Thompson Falls
Executive Director: Jocelyn DeHaas
Administrative Assistant: Rhonda Cochrane
Accounting: Tim Gilmer

Images showing Left to Right: Lisa Chamberlain, Tina Wright, Rusty Cochrane, Rhonda Cochrane, Doug Robinson, Linda Lay, Dennis Ferestad, Jocelyn DeHaas, Todd Fahlstrom (front), Eileen Guthrie, Ernie Turner, John Snowberger, Debra Jackson

Our History and Programs

The MAB was founded in 1947 because our founders recognized the need for quality training for the blind and low vision of Montana. The cornerstone of the MAB is its Summer Orientation Program for the Blind and Visually Impaired (SOP) which has grown to become a one-month training program for people who have lost or are losing their sight. Every year since 1947 we have held this program, except for 2020 when we held small regional workshops so we could reduce the spread of COVID-19. In addition to the Summer Orientation Program, we have outreach chapters throughout the state that meet monthly to provide local support, information, and social activities.

Our other programs include:

* 2 no-interest loan programs for people seeking to buy equipment or get training
* Scholarships for college-bound students
* Low Vision Center in Bozeman where people can try out different types of adaptive equipment

Meet our Founders:

Keith E. Denton Lakeside, MT
J.J. Winston Butte, MT
Lelia (Jensen) Proctor Kalispell, MT
Phyllis (Barrett) Honka Helena, MT
Emil Honka Helena, MT
John Selon Butte, MT
Clyde Trautman Great Falls, MT
William O'Day Billings, MT
Agnes Francis Medicine Lake, MT

The MAB's historical documents are housed in the Montana Historical Society archives at 225 North Roberts, Helena, MT.

Programs and Services of the MAB

View The MAB Constitution and Bylaws

Open the Montana Association For The Blind Document

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Ways You can help - Volunteering

Interested in volunteering? The Montana Association for the Blind is a fun, engaging organization that can always use dedicated volunteers, whether it’s for project or a more long-term! We're always looking for folks to help us out in various capacities at the local chapter level, the state level, and at the Summer Orientation Program. It is a great way to give back to the community and meet new friends. If you are interested, please contact us.

Would you like to Volunteer?

If you want to be a volunteer, please contact us at: (406) 442-9411.

You can also Open and Fill out the Volunteer form but you must contact us before you can volunteer. All volunteers must be screened and approved before they can participate.

Open the Volunteer Form