Scholarships and MAB Awards

Scholarships for College-Bound Students

The Montana Association for the Blind offers scholarships every year to blind and visually impaired students who will pursue higher education in the state.

MAB Scholarship Application

Application must be completed and returned by the end of business day, Saturday, May 31, 2025.

Emil A. Honka Scholarship

The Emil A. Honka Scholarship Fund will offer one scholarship of $1000 for the 2025-2026 school year. The funds will be awarded by the Montana Association for the Blind. Note the procedure: Please make copies of the application blanks and the "Information for Applicants" to give to interested students. Alternate formats of the information and form may also be requested from the address above.

Key information:

* Letters of reference must be from persons other than family or relatives.
* Applicants must be legally blind or have a prognosis of serious vision loss in the near future.
* Preference will be given to applicants who have completed 12 or more college credits and a cumulative GPA of 2.5.
* Application MUST be complete and received by the end of business day, May 31, 2025.


1. One scholarship of $1000 shall be awarded at the Association's state convention banquet. Along with the scholarship, recipients will receive a biographical account of Emil A. Honka.
2. The recipient of the scholarship shall be notified by the Scholarship Committee Chairman no later than Friday, July 1, 2025 and, except for unusual circumstances, must be present at the state convention to receive the award. The convention will be held in the fall of 2025 and the recipient will be notified of when and where the state convention will be held. The MAB will reimburse the recipient for their expenses in attending the convention to receive their award.
3. Completed applications for the scholarship MUST be received at the MAB office (address above) by May 31, 2025. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
4. Scholarships may be awarded to high school, undergraduate, or graduate students with no preference given to any field of endeavor. However, preference will be given to applicants who have completed at least 12 or more college credits with a minimum cumulative Grade Point average of 2.5. A recipient may be eligible to apply and receive one additional scholarship in a later year.
5. Applicants must be legally blind or have a prognosis of serious vision loss in the near future and be residents of Montana.
A. Provide an up-to-date transcript.
B. Describe blindness or visual impairment, along with information about educational goals.
C. Provide letters of recommendation from three of the following: (1) head of the department or instructor in the field in which he or she is majoring; (2) high school principal; (3) employer; (4) Blind & Low Vision Services Counselor; (5) other advisor; minister or other community leader; or (6) other suitable references. Family, parents, or relatives should not be used for references.

Alternate formats of this information page and application form may be requested from the Montana Association for the Blind, 1302 24th St. W. PMB 134, Billings, MT 59102, Telephone: (406) 442-9411, or email:

Emil A. Honka Scholarship and Education Fund established by the Montana Association for the Blind, Inc.
Est. January 31, 1976
Completed applications must be received at the MAB office, 1302 24th St. W. PMB 134, Billings, MT 59102, by May 31, 2025.
You may also submit the application to: Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Open the Emil A. Honka Scholarship Form

* If this form is not accessible: Click Here

Todd Family Memorial Scholarship

Please see the attached document concerning the 2025/2026 educational school year of which the Bozeman Chapter is awarding (2) $1,000 to two blind/visually impaired individuals. If you know of someone, please get this application in their hands. I am the committee chair, so please feel free to outreach accordingly. The applications are due May 16, 2025.
PS: unfortunately in the last 7 years, there has been over 10,000 not awarded due to no applications. Lets change that this year!
Contact Todd Fahlstrom at: for information and for an application, click below.

Open the Todd Family Memorial Scholarship Form

History and Recipients of Montana Association for the Blind Awards


Dorothy Bridgman began teaching life skills to adult blind Montanans in the early 1940's. She lost her sight when she was in her fifties and, after a year's training in Minneapolis, went to work for the Welfare Department as an itinerant teacher. She traveled the state teaching adaptive living skills and was often involved in early day versions of the Summer Orientation Program. Dorothy continued her work well into her late 70's when failing health forced her to retire.

In 1970, the Montana Association for the Blind established the Dorothy C. Bridgman (1884-1968) award in honor of Dorothy's dedication and service to blind adults throughout the state. The award is given to a person who has provided exceptional service to the blind of Montana over a period of time. Candidates are nominated by individual MAB members or by local chapters; an awards committee selects the recipient and the award is presented at the Association's annual convention banquet.

Recipients of the Dorothy Bridgman Award

2024 Dr. Patricia A. Cosgrove, Bozeman
2023 Todd Fahlstrom, Bozeman
2022 Dr. Thomas Berbos, Helena
2021 Beverly Berg, Helena
2020 Vicki King, Butte
2019 Linda Lay, Thompson Falls
2018 Not Awarded
2017 Vicky Greaney, Helena
2016 Not Awarded
2015 Not Awarded
2014 Not Awarded
2013 Not Awarded
2012 Not Awarded
2011 Kay (Kjellstrom) Stevens, Great Falls
2010 Svend Wind, Anaconda
2009 Not Awarded
2008 Not Awarded
2007 Audrey Anderson, Helena
2006 Not Awarded
2005 Christie Briggs, Helena
2004 Not Awarded
2003 Not Awarded
2002 Linda Hurlock, Anaconda
2001 Myrle Tompkins, Helena
2000 Betty Lou Berg, Butte
1999 Pat Domme, Butte
1998 Not Awarded
1997 Sharon Larson, Shawmut
1996 Mike Conner, Missoula
1995 Lions Clubs of Montana
1994 Not Awarded
1993 Ellen Blaylock, Helena
1992 Lou Storez, Helena
1991 Laudie Ridl, Great Falls
1990 Bernice and John DeHaas, Bozeman
1989 Virginia Sutich, Sand Coulee
1988 Alice Ridl, Great Falls
1987 Darlene Tiensvold, Helena
1986 Erma Todd, Bozeman
1985 Tony Persha, Red Lodge
1984 Robert Brassey, Lewistown
1983 Luella McVeda, Lewistown
1982 Morris Miller, Great Falls
1981 Doris Farmer, Billings
1980 Hazel Stull, Great Falls
1979 Bayard Todd, Bozeman
1978 Jessie Marsh, Bozeman
1977 Not Awarded
1976 Charles Vanderzee, Bozeman
1975 Richard Peel, Helena
1974 Keith Denton, Lakeside
1973 Lelia Proctor, Kalispell

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Keith E. Denton was a founding member of the MAB, getting his start in 1945 as a reluctant student at the first summer school program, a camp sponsored by the Lions Club. Before the end of the session, he was part of a group of blind people who organized the soon-to-be Montana Association for the Blind. Keith played a vital role in the association until his death in 1987.

During the 1978 MAB convention, a resolution was passed establishing the Keith E. Denton award in recognition of Keith's dedication to the development and objectives of the MAB.
The award is presented to the "Outstanding Member of the Year" at the annual convention banquet. Candidates are nominated by individual MAB members or by local chapters and an awards committee selects the recipient.

Recipients of the Keith E. Denton Award

2024 Lisa Chamberlain, Missoula
2022 Chris Brodhurst, Stevensville
2021 Tonya Mhoon, Helena
2020 Ken McCulloch, Bozeman
2019 John Snowberger, Three Forks
2018 Jocelyn DeHaas, Bozeman / Albuquerque
2017 Jim Greaney, Helena
2016 Not Awarded
2015 Chris Brodhurst, Stevensville
2014 Not Awarded
2013 Not Awarded
2012 Not Awarded
2011 Jerry Hutch, Helena
2010 Not Awarded
2009 Patty Howse, Great Falls
2008 Not Awarded
2007 Not Awarded
2006 Not Awarded
2005 Not Awarded
2004 Not Awarded
2003 Marty Greiser, Dillon
2002 Kay (Kjellstrom) Stevens, Great Falls
2001 Jim Marks, Helena
2000 William Kleinhans, Great Falls
1999 George Kercher, Missoula
1998 Dan Burke, Missoula
1997 Janice Six
1996 Mike Maloney, Great Falls
1995 Hans Stokken, Butte
1994 Marie Wasson, Kalispell
1993 Gerald Merritt, Great Falls
1992 Pat Domme, Butte
1991 Helen Cowles, Helena
1990 Rik James, Bozeman
1989 Anita Nelson, Butte
1988 John DeHaas, Bozeman
1987 Bernice DeHaas, Bozeman
1986 Virginia Sutich, Sand Coulee
1985 Lois Haymond, Livingston
1984 Joe Zunick, Butte
1983 Lelia Proctor, Kalispell
1982 Marilyn (Doddy) Madsen, Great Falls
1981 Delos Kelley, Billing
1980 Sharon Cromeenes, Helena
1979 Tony Persha, Red Lodge

for nominating guidelines and award committee chairs, please contact our state office at (406) 442-9411 or email to:

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If you want to be a volunteer, please contact us at: (406) 442-9411.

You can also Open and Fill out the Volunteer form but you must contact us before you can volunteer. All volunteers must be screened and approved before they can participate.

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