Our Mission:

The mission of the Montana Association for the Blind is to promote the economic and social self-sufficiency of blind Montanans through the facilitation of quality education, learning, training, and employment services and opportunities, and to foster a positive understanding of blindness.

Please send us an e-mail, or give us a call, we are glad to help in any way!

Board Members and Staff

Doug Robinson - MAB President -Email: president@mabsop.org

Lisa Chamberlain - MAB F1rst Vice-President -Email: mabadmin@mabsop.org

Tina Wright - MAB 2nd Vice-President -Email: rimrockmabsecy@mabsop.org

*Pending - Third Vice President -Email: mabadmin@mabsop.org

Kyle Eleden - District 1 Representative -Email: mabadmin@mabsop.org

Rusty Cochran - District 2 Representative -Email: mabadmin@mabsop.org

Kristi Eagle Horse - District 3 Representative -Email: mabadmin@mabsop.org

Eileen Guthrie - District 4 Representative -Email: mabadmin@mabsop.org

Debra Jackson - District 5 Representative -Email: mabadmin@mabsop.org

Linda Lay - District 6 Representative -Email: mabadmin@mabsop.org

Todd Fahlstrom - MAB Immediate Past President -Email: Click Here

Jocelyn DeHaas - Executive Director -Email: mabdirector@mabsop.org

Melanie Beagle - Administrative Assistant -Email: mabadmin@mabsop.org

Tim Gilmer - Accountant -Email: mabadmin@mabsop.org

Images showing Left to Right: Lisa Chamberlain, Tina Wright, Rusty Cochrane, Rhonda Cochrane, Doug Robinson, Linda Lay, Dennis Ferestad, Jocelyn DeHaas, Todd Fahlstrom (front), Eileen Guthrie, Ernie Turner, John Snowberger, Debra Jackson

Want More Information?

We are a non-profit organization made up of Blind and Sighted Volunteers to help others in the Blind Community.

If you have any questions about our services or want more information, you can contact us or fill out the Contact Form below:

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Would you like to Volunteer?

If you want to be a volunteer, please contact us at: (406) 442-9411.

You can also Open and Fill out the Volunteer form but you must contact us before you can volunteer. All volunteers must be screened and approved before they can participate.

Open the Volunteer Form