Zoo Town, (Missoula Chapter)

A Blind Woman is learning how to use her white mobility cane with a mobility instructor guiding her on the sidewalk.

Missoula Low Vision Workshop

December 7, 2024
1100 S. Higgins Ave
Missoula, Mt 59802
10:00AM – 2:00PM

Are you or someone You know dealing with vision loss? This workshop is an intro level workshop.

What we will cover
How to use your smart phone or tablet with Zoom text, voice-over, or talk back features.
Learn about the different apps available to the low or No vision user.
Mobility and orientation with a focus on winter travel.
Basic windows features available to make using your PC easier.
we will also have low vision magnifiers and devices on display for participants to try out.
For more information or to register please call:
Lisa Chamberlain at (406) 546–1656.
We are asking for you to register early to reserve your spot as space is limited.

QR-Code to the Missoula Chapter web page

Zoo Town, (Missoula Chapter), is an active group who meets regularly to engage in community outreach programs and educational enrichment activities. Our members are local to Missoula as well as the Bitterroot Valley.

We welcome new members from the blind and low vision community as well as sighted individuals.

Our chapter finally has a designated meeting time. We meet on the last Thursday of every month at 7:00pm via Zoom.

To reach out to the Missoula chapter please contact us:
Lisa Chamberlain chapter president
(406) 546-1656

Stay Connected:

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Would you like to Volunteer?

If you want to be a volunteer, please contact us at: (406) 442-9411.

You can also Open and Fill out the Volunteer form but you must contact us before you can volunteer. All volunteers must be screened and approved before they can participate.

Open the Volunteer Form